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  1. Nov 19, 2007
  2. Sep 30, 2006
  3. Apr 10, 2006
    • dlowe's avatar
      Updated changelog, fixed bugs, added minor features · c862e88e
      dlowe authored
      * local-time/TODO
      	- Added a bunch of todo items
      * local-time/ChangeLog
      	- Added mine and Sekissov's contributions
      * local-time/local-time-test.lisp
      	- reset-tests now clears the correct hash variable
      	- tests updated to include Sekissov's changes
      * local-time/local-time.lisp
      	- Added month and day names, as well as julian date functions
      * local-time/CREDITS
      	- Added Sekissov
      * local-time/README
      	- Removed warning about parse-timestring
      	- Added documentation for julian date functions
  4. Dec 29, 2005
    • dlowe's avatar
      Added changelog, credits, and bug fixes · 5f025133
      dlowe authored
      * local-time/ChangeLog
      * local-time/NEWS
      	- NEWS file removed in favor of a well-formatted ChangeLog
      * local-time/CREDITS
      	- Added credits file so I could thank helpers
      * local-time/local-time-test.lisp
      	- Added tests for decode-local-time and parse-timestamp
      * local-time/local-time.lisp
      	- decode-local-time no longer displays the wrong month and year
      	  when the month is January
      	- parse-timestamp now actually does something useful