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  1. Feb 17, 2013
  2. Dec 09, 2012
  3. Mar 18, 2012
  4. Mar 13, 2012
  5. Feb 25, 2012
  6. Nov 01, 2011
  7. Aug 29, 2010
  8. Apr 11, 2010
  9. Feb 01, 2010
  10. Jan 20, 2010
  11. Nov 30, 2009
  12. Nov 21, 2009
  13. Nov 14, 2009
  14. Mar 23, 2009
  15. Feb 07, 2009
  16. Sep 20, 2008
  17. May 09, 2008
  18. Apr 05, 2008
  19. Nov 26, 2007
    • Pascal Costanza's avatar
      Force recompilation of ContextL in the first test file. · 038922c6
      Pascal Costanza authored
    • Pascal Costanza's avatar
      Added more scripts for running the test suite in different CL implementations. · a49ce964
      Pascal Costanza authored
    • Pascal Costanza's avatar
      Removed support in the test suite for old versions of Allegro Common Lisp. · 591cc482
      Pascal Costanza authored
    • Pascal Costanza's avatar
      Added a garbage collector for layer caches. · 6274f673
      Pascal Costanza authored
      Whenever a layer definition is reinitialized (for example by calling reinitialize-instance or by evaluating a deflayer form for an already existing layer), all its entries in the layer activation caches are removed. This guarantees that adjoin-layer-using-class and remove-layer-using-class are called again when such a layer is activated or deactivated, even if those two generic functions have previously returned t as second values for that layer. Since layer-makunbound is implemented in terms of (setf find-class) and (setf class-name), which triggers a call to reinitialize-instance according to the CLOS MOP specification, this means that layer-makunbound causes the respective layer to be removed from the caches as well.
      Likewise, if adjoin-layer-using-class and remove-layer-using-class are specialized on a particular layer metaclass, all entries for layers of that layer metaclass are also removed from the layer activation caches. This happens also when methods for these generic functions are redefined.
  20. Sep 26, 2007
  21. Sep 10, 2007
  22. Apr 21, 2007
    • Pascal Costanza's avatar
      Several minor and major changes. · 2619daeb
      Pascal Costanza authored
      This version of ContextL (0.4) incorporates several minor and major changes as a preparation towards a 1.0 release. Here is a list of the changes:
      --- Changes in the visible API ---
      + The functions activate-layer and activate-layer-using-class have been renamed to adjoin-layer and adjoin-layer-using-class, and deactivate-layer and deactivate-layer-using-class have been renamed to remove-layer and remove-layer-using-class. The new names reflect better what these functions actually do.
      + Removed the functions funcall-with-layers and apply-with-layers. Use the functions funcall-with-layer-context and apply-with-layer-context instead.
      + The deflayer macro doesn't take a :layer-class option anymore, but instead a :metaclass option. (I have tried to abstract from the internal representation as CLOS classes, but that turns out to be useless for the time being.)
      --- Additions to the visible API ---
      + Added the functions funcall-with-layer-context and apply-with-layer-context.
      + Added the function current-layer-context. This captures the set of currently active layers, which can later be reinstalled with funcall-with-layer-context and apply-with-layer-context.
      + Added the metaclasses layered-function and layered-method. However, they should better not be used directly. For programmatically creating layered functions and methods, better use the functions ensure-layered-function and ensure-layered-method.
      + Added the readers layered-function-definer, layered-function-argument-precedence-order, layered-function-lambda-list.
      + Added the readers layered-method-lambda-list, layered-method-specializers, layered-method-layer.
      + Added the readers partial-class-defining-classes, partial-class-defining-metaclass and the class partial-object, which is the default superclass for partial classes.
      + Added the readers slot-definition-layered-readers and slot-definition-layered-writers.
      + You can now specify an :in-layer option in slot specifiers. This means that a slot within a define-layered-class form can be declared to be in a different layer than the respective class itself. This allows, for example, to group slots of different layers in the same define-layered-class form.
      + Layers and layered functions can now also have uninterned symbols as names. This enables a form of anonymous layers and anonymous layered functions when gensym is used to create names for them.
      + Added the function ensure-layer for programmatically creating layers.
      --- Internal changes, which are not necessarily visible ---
      + If someone tries to define default initargs for singleton classes or layers, ContextL emits a warning. The error handling is improved for the case when the :allocation for a singleton or layer-specific slot is set to something else than :class.
      + Some of the :in-layer keyword parameters to internal functions have previously taken lists of layers for technical reasons. This is not the case anymore.
      + Changed the handling of the :defining-metaclass option for partial classes.
      + Layered direct slot definition metaobjects don't take :layered-reader, :layered-writer and :layered-accessor initargs anymore, but rather :layered-readers and :layered-writers, which is closer to how the CLOS MOP works as well.
      + Added methods for print-object for the major classes and metaclasses, such that, for example, debug output now prints more nicely.
  23. Apr 07, 2007
  24. Dec 28, 2006
  25. Dec 27, 2006
  26. Dec 16, 2006
  27. Jul 20, 2006
  28. Mar 20, 2006
  29. Mar 18, 2006
    • Pascal Costanza's avatar
      Slots in singleton classes and in layers can now be reinitialized. · 59170bfa
      Pascal Costanza authored
      This is achieved by the :reinitialize option for a slot, like this:
      (defclass some-class ()
        ((some-slot :initform 'foo :reinitialize t))
        (:metaclass singleton-class))
      (deflayer some-layer ()
        ((some-slot :initform 'bar :reinitialize t)))
      The default value for the :reinitialize option is nil. If it is nil, then the slot will only be initialized when the class/layer is initialized. When the class/layer already exists before the new defclass/deflayer form is processed, the slot keeps its old value, as is the case for slots with :allocation :class in plain CLOS. If the :reinitialize option is true, however, then the respective slot will always be re/initialized with the value given with the :initform, no matter what. If no :initform is given, the slot is made unbound, again no matter what. In other words, a slot with :reinitialize nil behaves similar to a defvar form while a slot with :reinitialize t behaves similar to a defparameter form.
      Currently, CMUCL and MCL have a bug wrt reinitialization of slots with :allocation :class, which leads to subsequent bug in ContextL. This has the consequence that special slots (with the option :special set to true) in singleton classes, in layers and in special classes for slots with :allocation :class do not work correctly anymore when the respective class/layer is reinitialized. As soon as the bugs in CMUCL and MCL are fixed, I can also fix the related bug in ContextL.
  30. Mar 10, 2006