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  1. Apr 12, 2009
  2. Feb 07, 2009
  3. Dec 17, 2007
  4. Dec 16, 2007
  5. Dec 01, 2007
  6. Nov 26, 2007
    • Pascal Costanza's avatar
      Added a garbage collector for layer caches. · 6274f673
      Pascal Costanza authored
      Whenever a layer definition is reinitialized (for example by calling reinitialize-instance or by evaluating a deflayer form for an already existing layer), all its entries in the layer activation caches are removed. This guarantees that adjoin-layer-using-class and remove-layer-using-class are called again when such a layer is activated or deactivated, even if those two generic functions have previously returned t as second values for that layer. Since layer-makunbound is implemented in terms of (setf find-class) and (setf class-name), which triggers a call to reinitialize-instance according to the CLOS MOP specification, this means that layer-makunbound causes the respective layer to be removed from the caches as well.
      Likewise, if adjoin-layer-using-class and remove-layer-using-class are specialized on a particular layer metaclass, all entries for layers of that layer metaclass are also removed from the layer activation caches. This happens also when methods for these generic functions are redefined.